SMW-electronics Background for Header
17. February 2022

Product Range Expansion


LPS 4.0 - High-precision inductive lienar position sensors

A highlight from the sensor sector is the new linear position sensor LPS 4.0 for use in industrial applications and automation. The high-precision LPS 4.0 works inductively, i.e. the system detects the exact position of an encoder element without contact and with the highest repeatability.

The inductive linear position sensors are available in measuring lengths from 14 to 120 mm and now new 80 mm. The output of the measured value is either via the integrated IO-Link interface or as a conventional analogue signal (0-10V/4-20mA). The LPS 4.0 is parametrizable and has two adjustable switching signals. Furthermore, the inductive linear position sensor is wear- and maintenance-free, protected according to IP 67/69K and also offers excellent EMC properties. Please click for more information!